
Here is how to find us!

The town of Alcobaça is 100 km north of Lisbon with easy access by the highways A1 or A8 and by several national roads.

Silveira is 3 km south of Alcobaça on the national road N 8-6 towards Évora de Alcobaça, Turquel, Benedita.

From Silveira, it is easy to travel around and alternate visits of the cultural patrimony, bathes in the ocean or foot walks in the natural Park of the Serras de Aire and Candeeiros.

Caravans and motorhomes

We recommend that caravans and camping-cars, especially if they are long, to enter the camping with the gate to their right. When arriving from Alcobaça the entrance is on your left, continue on to the first roundabout (1 km) and turn around.

The recepetion is open between 8:30 and 20:30.


Silveira, Capuchos
2460-479 Alcobaça

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